Culture and Gender

Name: Culture and Gender
Code: FIL12745L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Philosophy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1- To think the relationship between culture and Female
2- To analyze the female presence conditions in the cultural tradition of the West
3. To Identify the "heterodesignation and the self-designation" of women in this tradition
4- To recognize the rupture within the tradition by Women’s vindications
5- To Identify some contributions of Women Philosophers to the central debates of contemporary culture


INTRODUCTION: concepts and basic theoretical resources
1. The importance of philosophy in social representations on Women and the Feminine
2- Re-reading our cultural history in gender perspective
2.1. The Modern Age and the public dimension of the debate for citizenship in gender perspective
2.2. The French Revolution and the creation of Modern Society: inclusion and exclusion
2.3. The great paradigm shifts of the second half of the twentieth century and the systematic assertion of women
in public space and in the theoretical debate
2.3.1. From the critique of reason to the crisis of the reason
2.3.2. The emergence of women as subjects of enunciation
3 - The contribution of feminist philosophers to debate the central issues of contemporary culture
3.1. Carol Gilligan and the introduction of a different voice on ethics issues
3.2. Nussbaum and another perspective on the development

Teaching Methods

1- Give priority to the heuristic techniques, creating situations that require the development of questioning
attitudes, defining problems and finding solutions. The methodology to be developed will be based on research
and analysis of the problems and the respective solutions available as well as critical reflection on them.
2. The methodological practices within the group / seek to facilitate the creation of its own design work, to
be tested through public debates open to the encircling community.
3- Finally, the evaluation will be advised continued, although it has, in parallel, to meet the requirements of the
Rules of the University that provides for the possibility of an evaluation by examination.
In both regimens, written (60%) and oral (40%) work will be proposed in balanced dimensions and according to
the size and profile of classes. However, the evaluation of the core will target the development of a personal
journey within the group dinamics and its own research line.