Materials and Structures Archaeological

Name: Materials and Structures Archaeological
Code: HIS12040L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Archeology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The aim of the course is that the student gets to know different types of archaeological structures, artefacts (lithic, metallic, ceramic, glass and bone) and ecofacts, in a diachronic perspective, and that they are able to identify, characterize and classify them correctly.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Awareness of spoils and archaeological structures
- Identification of various types
- Identification of the main existing structures
- Knowledge of different conservation strategies and recovery.
- Vocabulary Domain and conceptualization inherent in the study of materials
- Ability to identify and characterize structures and spaces.
-Domínio Of survey methodologies, collection and inventory of Archaeology industry.
- Ability to develop research in the study of archaeological materials


Man and Nature
1.Do subject to artifact (tool and instrument)
2.The environmental factors and technology
3.The selection of raw material
- Lithic materials
1. Raw materials
2.Técnicas transformation
- Ceramic
1.Matérias materials
2.Técnicas transformation
- Other materials
1.Matérias materials
2.Técnicas transformation

Teaching Methods

Classes will be theoretical and practical using the images, reading and interpretation of texts. The
practical component will be based on direct work with archaeological materials and structural
The evaluation can be performed in the system of continuous assessment and examination
system. The continuous evaluation will be a job application of concepts and the presentation and
discussion of that work and a frequency.
A. frequency Regime
1. Realization of a practical set between the student and the teacher and involving the application
of concepts, sources and methods of discipline. (40%)
1.1. Presentation and discussion of the work presented (10%).
2. Written evaluation (50%)
B. Exams Policy
Written exam about the lectured subjects