Introduction to Cultural Heritage

Name: Introduction to Cultural Heritage
Code: HIS02464L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Cultural Heritage

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Sensitize students to the breadth of the notion of Heritage and its conceptual evolution.
2. Appreciate the concepts of protection, conservation, rehabilitation and restoration of heritage, allowing analysis and critique, and theoretical formally framed.
3. Recognize the criteria and rules in a national and international level about conservation, rehabilitation and restoration, nowadays and in their historical perspective.
4. Motivate Students for the need to update the vocabulary and practices at the Cultural Heritage, both nationally and internationally, suggested especially by organizations and institutions responsible for conservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage.
1. Domain of basic concepts in the area of Cultural Heritage;
2. Ability to understand technical and legal approaches;
3. Reflect critically and ethically about the programs and activities presented in the heritage field.


1. Origin and evolution of the concept of cultural heritage, with application to the Portuguese case.
2. The historical development of conservation and restoration: from antiquity to the century. XVIII
3. The birth of monumental restoration
3.1. The stylistic restoration of Viollet-le-Duc and the teachings of John Ruskin
3.2. Camillo Boito, Gustavo Giovannoni and the scientifical restoration
4. A contemporary reflection: the critical restoration, the theses of Cesare Brandi, and the preservation of monuments and historical sites
5. The concepts of maintenance, preventive conservation, curative conservation, restoration, rehabilitation, renovation
6. International Charters and Conventions. Portuguese legislation.
6.1 The conservation and restoration in Portugal.
7. National and international supervision, management and conservation of cultural heritage.

Teaching Methods

Teaching expository aims to impart basic knowledge of core content to students. Lessons with multimedia support; oral communications, with invited experts; technical visits. Emphasis will be on theoretical analysis of texts (charters and conventions, national legislation) on the theme of Heritage.
Tutorial Scheme: In each semester that is active, the rules of evaluation, presence and mentoring are defined between teacher and students.
The assessment is based in a final examination or continuous assessment. This includes the preparation and public presentation of a thematic dossier on heritage, and a written test (2h).