Themes of Medieval History of Portugal

Name: Themes of Medieval History of Portugal
Code: HIS02402L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This curricular unit aims to deepen previously identified themes that, as a whole, provide a holistic view on the evolution of Portugal during the medieval period. The contents of this curricular unit are articulated with those of the curricular unit of Medieval History of Portugal.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To analyse on a long-term basis, the evolution of medieval Portugal, in its various structural vectors; to contextualize and analyze the structures from a comparative perspective; to contextualize and analyze specific themes, within the proposed framework, in order to familiarize students with the written, iconographic or material sources as well as with the correspondent bibliography; to propose a flexible reading through an open program, changeable over the different academic years and depending on the interests of students and on the ongoing research from the teachers.
To apprehend the outlines of medieval Portugal structural evolution; to analyze, from a critical perspective, primary and secondary sources; to produce an autonomous work; to be able to contextualize historical facts and cultural currents (in its broadest sense), developing a critical thinking and the group work.


1. Demographics and society
1.1 Sources for the study of demographic change
1.2 The evolution of the population: trends
1.3 Medieval Portuguese society: social hierarchy and mobility
1.4 From trifunctionality to a complex society
2. Powers and discourses of power
2.1.The royalty and the instruments of governance. The royal legislation and its application. Diplomacy and foreign policy
2.2 Negotiation: the courts
2.3 Negotiation: the king and the cities
2.4 The war and the construction of a territory
3. Economy:
3.1. The dominance of an agrarian economy
3.2 Craft production and craftsmanship
3.3 Trade: products and areas of circulation
4. Everyday life and sociability a transversal reading
4.1.. Rituals and religious experiences
4.2.  Death
4.3.. Crime and penalties

Teaching Methods

The methodology is focused in the work developed by the students.
Evaluation: final exam or continuous assessment. In the case of continuous assessment it is proposed the completion of a frequency and an individual work presented in class