Elements of Sociology of Education

Name: Elements of Sociology of Education
Code: SOC01654L
2.5 ECTS
Duration: 8 weeks/65 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

At the end of UC, it is intended that the student be able to ...:
1. To understand the specificity of the theoretical and methodological approaches in the production of knowledge in Sociology of Education;
2. Analyze the process of construction of mass schooling;
3. Discuss the criticisms of school education;
4. To Feature non-formal educational contexts;
5. To understand spatial dimension of education;
6. To understand the role of education in production and in combating social exclusion;
7. To analyze the role of education in promoting a culture of gender equality;
8. To assess the relationship between school, family and community;
9. To characterize various school's «organizational images»;
10. Discuss the challenges facing the education in the present days.


1. A Sociologia da Educação no Contexto das Ciências Sociais (objeto, métodos e delimitação epistemológica):
2. Educação, Família e Sociedade (perspetivas funcionalista, conflitual e da Nova Sociologia da Educação);
3. Génese e desenvolvimento da "Escola de Massas";
4. Crítica da educação escolar;
5. A dimensão espacial da educação (espaços sociais, espaços educativos e espaços escolares);
6. Educação e Exclusão Social (jovens e adultos pouco escolarizados; escolarização de minorias étnicas);
7. Educação e Género (escolarização das raparigas; cultura da (des)igualdade de género);
8. Educação, Família e Comunidade (socialização e família; relações com a escola e estratégias educativas das famílias; relações escola-comunidade).
9. As organizações escolares (à luz da sociologia);
10. Desafios para a educação [escolar e não escolar].

Teaching Methods

The process of teaching and learning will be organized based on theoretical-practical sessions.

Sessions dynamic is expected to appeal to the exercises of analysis and discussion of texts and work done by students, individually or in small groups, from texts previously suggested and / or researched by (the) students.

Besides the collective sessions, held in the classroom, students develop independent work, individually and in groups. It will use the Moodle platform to facilitate the sharing of educational resources and synchronous and asynchronous distance communication.

The evaluation will include a written test about the contents and in work (s) individually and / or group oral presentation sessions on class. In the final classification is still considered the evaluation of socio-affective skills of the student.

Teaching Staff