Portuguese Language II

Name: Portuguese Language II
Code: LLT01639L
Duration: 15 weeks/130 hours
Scientific Area: Linguistics

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Bearing in mind the specific context of this course of studies, to consolidate the domain of the Portuguese language at the levels of comprehension, production and rules exploration, promoting: the correct understanding of every communication act, in every register and though any means; grammatical oral and written production; the correct description of grammar rules.


1. Aspects of lexical and morfological nature.
1.1 Word constituints
1.2 Word classes and respective inflexional and distributional properties
1.3 Word formation processes
2. Aspects of syntactic nature
2.1 Syntactic categories
2.2 Syntactic fuctions
2.3 From the simple to the complex sentence
2.3.1 Coordination
2.3.2 Subordination
2.4 Word order changing processes of grammatical and stylistic natures
2.5 Analysis practice on how to detect and correct sintactic malformations

Teaching Methods

- Colective group sessions; tutorials; autonomous research work and investigation, with use of the new technologies. Continuos evaluation. Group and individual presentations in class. Individual written work and test at the end of the semester; exam; final exam.

Teaching Staff