Systematic Sports and Expressive Activities I

Name: Systematic Sports and Expressive Activities I
Code: DES10645L
Duration: 30 weeks/312 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This U.C. subdivided into several blocks / modalities, in order to deepen the knowledge through
practical experience of different sports activities and expressive.
- Knowing the history of the different sports;
- Know the rules of the different sports;
- Know the terminology and symbolism of each modality;
- Know the regional, national and international levels of the different modalities;
- Know the pedagogical progressions approach to the technical and tactical gestures of the
different sports;
- Mastering the basic methodology of teaching modalities and respective learning progressions.
Upon completion of the UC students must meet the following competencies:
• Ability to intervene operationalising the regulations of the different sports;
• Mastering the technical and / or tactical modalities;
• Distinguish and operationalized in a structured way the different phases of the game
area in team sports games.
• Ability to apply the basic methodology of teaching the sport and respective learning


Given that the U.C. is taught by distinct blocks corresponding to different sports, the program
contents are specific to each. Thus, we refer to the programs of each modality to query their
contents. The procedures covered are the following:
Water activities, football, basketball, rugby, dance, postural reeducation method pilates, tennis,
gym classes.

Teaching Methods

This Curricular Unit is annual with 5 blocks spread over both semesters.
The workload of each block is 2 hours per week (30 hours in total) with a theoretical practical.
There will also be tutorial type sessions, which will include individual sessions or legal, to
answer questions relating to specific content, or other needs presented by students.
The evaluation of each block takes into account the specificity of each modality, so refer to the
programs of the different modalities different types of continuous assessment. However, there
is the mandatory inclusion of a practical part and have a minimum of 50% of the final
The final evaluation will be carried out through the arithmetical average of each block.