Habitats: Management and Conservation

Name: Habitats: Management and Conservation
Code: PAO10047O
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Environment and Ecology Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: E-learning

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Identify and know the main semi-natural habitats and priority for conservation
Assess the conservation status of habitats
Know the main methods and techniques of management and conservation of habitats
Ability to recognize the different habitats with protected status
Ability to assess the conservation status of habitats.
Capacity to intervene in the management of habitats with a view to recovery, conservation and enhancement of habitats
Acquire skills of self-training throughout life


Revision of basic concepts in ecology. Historical perspective on nature conservation. Notions of Bioclimatology and Biogeography. Characterization of priority habitats for conservation: Forests, Matos, coastal habits and halophyte vegetation, marine and continental dunes, freshwater habitats, natural grasslands and semi-natural mires and bogs and rocky habitats and caves. Characterization of species of interest to the conservation chorological, Ecology and Net Asset Value: Key factors that threaten natural habitats and species of interest for conservation. Conservation and management measures.

Teaching Methods

The teaching of this course is developed in its entirety in the online context placing great emphasis on the collaborative construction of knowledge.
Assessment is continuous. Within each module will be compulsory reading and video viewing. There will always be a discussion forum, where students and develop ideas about the features offered. Group work will be conducted around each topic. At the end of each topic there will be a formative assessment and summative assessment. The end result is the average of all these steps the route.