Bio-system Soil-Water-Plant-Atmosphere

Name: Bio-system Soil-Water-Plant-Atmosphere
Code: ERU10436M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Rural Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This course aims to study soil-water-atmosphere relationships in the development and productivity of crops. Detail the relationship with the climate and the movement of water in the soil and plants.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The objective of this curricular unit is to detail the analysis of the soil, water, plant and atmosphere biosystem that provides the student with knowledge and information essential to decision making on good management practices of agricultural systems, guaranteeing their sustainability. It is intended to introduce concepts, relate, explain and quantify the complex problem of soil-water-atmosphere relations in the development and productivity of crops. It is intended that the student improves his knowledge in order to improve his skills and competences to analyze environmental physical constraints (climatic factors, water scarcity, saline stress) and propose solutions to improve crop productivity.


I. Climatology and Meteorology. Weather elements and factors. Climatic classifications. Radiation and radiation balance. Photoperiodism. Energy balance at the soil surface. Transport of momentum, energy and mass in the boundary layer. Modified environments. Soil temperature control. Climatic needs of crops. II. Soil intrinsic and relative characteristics. Water content and characterization of the state of water in the soil. Water retention in the soil. Infiltration and redistribution of water in the soil. Crop water requirements. New technologies in irrigation management, stress indexes. Water use efficiency. Effects of excess salts in the soil on crop productivity. Balance of salts in the soil. Control of salinity in the soil. Water quality for irrigation. III. Brief review of the anatomy and physiology of plants. The water flow in the plant. The assimilation of carbon. Growth regulators, photo-periodism and vernalization. The assessment of the physiological state of plants.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical-practical classes, with applied practical exercises performed in the classroom and practical essays to be performed by the student at home. Continuos evaluation based in 1 practical essay (25%) and a written test (75%) in each of the 3 modules of the syllabus. The grade attained in module I represents 25% of the final grade, the grade attained in module II 50% of the final grade and the grade attained in module III 25% of the final grade.