Research Methodology in Education

Name: Research Methodology in Education
Code: PED13954M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To develop research skills in education.
To apply fundamental concepts of research in education, in research analysis and design;
To know methods and techniques for collecting research data;
To know techniques for processing and analyzing data resulting from research in education;
To develop research projects in the field of education.


1.Researchas an essential dimension of professionalism
1.1.Relationship between scientific knowledge and professional practice
1.2.The research as a mean to support the educational action
2.Epistemology and research methodology
2.1.Construction of scientific knowledge
2.2.Fundamentalsof scientific knowledge
2.3.Research paradigms: scientific /positivist and naturalist/interpretive
3.Steps in research
3.1.Identifying the problem
3.2.Review of literature
3.3.Population and sample or participants
3.4.Research designs: experimental, case study, action research
3.5.Construction of instruments for data collection: observation, interviews, questionnaires
3.6.Data Collection
3.7.Data Analysis
4.The writing of scientific reports.

Teaching Methods

In accordance with the objectives of the UC, methodologies will be developed that favor the participation of students, through debate, reasoned criticism and reflective intervention, as well as the experimentation of research instruments, contributing, simultaneously, to the consolidation of their knowledge and to respective mobilization.
The evaluation in this UC takes place continuously throughout the work sessions and will take into account the students' attendance (minimum 75%), includes the elaboration of an individual research project proposal (PI) (60%) and the elaboration of two entries for a glossary (EG) of terms related to the themes to be addressed throughout the semester and which, in the end, will be made available (40%).
The final classification (FC) , in continuous evaluation regime, will result from the application of the following formula: FC = 0.6 PI + 0.4 EG.
The Final evaluation regime implies the realization of an individual test (100%).