French Literature and Arts

Name: French Literature and Arts
Code: LLT13508L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, French
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The French Literature and Arts aims to develop a comparative literary competence based on the ability to relate, cross the French Literature and the Arts. The focus will be on contact with French writers from the 18th to the 21st centuries where this interartistic dialogue is manifested.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Develop a comparative literary competence;
- Make aware of the aesthetic function of literature and culture;
- Stimulate a critical sense and carry out research.
- Develop critical and comparative reading competences emphasizing inter-arts comparatism.
- To develop a comparatist approach of the artistic object through the exploration of the aesthetic relationship established among the French literary texts, the texts of art critic and the artistic objects.
- Give students the fundamental theoretical and stylistic knowledge of the comparative method;
- Develop the scientific competences required to autonomous research.


The Dialog Literature and Arts

1. The woman's representation in Literature, Painting and in Cinema:
- Woman and education.
- Woman and reading;
- Ironic rewriting of the iconographic intertext;

2. Painting in Literature
- The Art Critic as literary genre (Diderot; Baudelaire; Les Goncourt; Proust; etc.);
- The writer's glance on the pictorial work;
- The act of literary creation and/or artistic (the painter-character).

Corpus to be defined annually (Selection of some works in original language or in their translation).

Teaching Methods

- Theoretical and practical sessions;
- Reading and interpretation of articles on art critic;
- Text analysis and artistic objects;
- Oral presentations.

According to the Regulamento Académico da Universidade de Évora and the Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos – Critérios definidos pelo Departamento de Linguística e Literaturas.
) Continuous assessment includes at least two assessment components, one of which a written test, whose grade cannot be less than 8 values.
A percentage of 50% is attributed to the written test, and an equal percentage to the evaluation elements proposed during the semester.
b)Final Exam Evaluation (1st and 2nd , special and extraordinary calls) consists of a written test (100%). Students who score between 8 and 9.4 on the written test need to do an oral exam.

Teaching Staff