Portuguese Literature and Arts

Name: Portuguese Literature and Arts
Code: LLT13507L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course aims at developing in students the ability to approach the art object, its different languages and its epistemological assumptions (historical, cultural, thematic, and periodiological).
The main aim consists in pursuing this overall objective by exploiting the aesthetics relationship established between Portuguese literary texts of the nineteenth century, texts on art criticism and contemporary art works, considering a general theme chosen in order to acquire critical thinking and analysis of art objects. Thus, the specific objectives of this c.u. are:
- acquisition of critical aesthetics, cultural and historical concepts, relating to the representation of women in Portuguese literature and painting, set in the European context;
- acquisition of critical methodological and operational notions of analysis, leading to an interpretation;
- Observation, analysis and comments of pictorial and literary works of that aesthetic period.


1. Philosophical models and Western canons of female beauty;
- The origins of art
- The advent of Aesthetics and pre –Romanticism;
- XIXth Century: Romanticism - Europe and Portugal - liberalism, education reforms and developments; the aesthetic and literary culture, ideology and socio-cultural environment in the course of the nineteenth century; the Romantic, realistic and naturalistic aesthetics.
2. Pictorial and literary representation:
- The mimesis
- Representation of the female body in Painting
- Reading a table: Theme, Design, Color, Composition
- Allegory, "costumes", "the apparatus" and "para- literary " - recurring processes and effects
- Literary representation of the body (narrative and lyrics)
3. Works (exs ):
- Literature: Garrett, S. de Passos, Camilo, J.Dinis, Eca, Fialho, Ramalho, Cesario
- Painting: Metrass, Meneses, Lupi, Columbano, R. Bordalo Pinheiro, Pousão, Silva Porto, Carlos Reis, António Ramalho, Aurélia de Sousa, Malhoa

Teaching Methods

1. Theoretical-practical sessions, with the predominance in the following teaching strategies and assessment (continuous and formative, by direct observation):
- oral presentation of theoretical, methodological contents; discussion;
- observation, analysis and commentary on reproductions of paintings;
- exploratory, dialogic reading of texts for application of concepts previously exposed.
2. Evaluation: according to Regulamento de Avaliação da Universidade de Évora. Students following continuous evaluation produce a work supervised by the teacher (writing a brief essay) where students explore the productivity of concepts developed in the classroom. Their oral presentation and discussion will be object of a formative assessment and its written materialization is part of the final assessment(50%). Collaborative work and a written test (50%)on the Syllabus works and concepts will represent the remaining percentage of the grade in continuous assessment.

Exam - 100%