Spanish Literature II

Name: Spanish Literature II
Code: LLT10874L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese, Spanish
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The subject of Spanish Literature II provides students with general and chronological elements indispensable to a proper understanding of Spanish literature's "Siglo de Oro", by examining the rhetorical and thematic codes present in the major literary works of that period.


- Society and culture in the Spanish Renaissance and Baroque periods.
- Ascetic and mystical poetry: San Juan de la Cruz.
- The Baroque lyricism: Quevedo and Góngora ("conceptismo" and "culteranismo")
- Narrative structures in the "Siglo de Oro": books of chivalry, picaresque novel, pastoral novel; novels of the "mourisco" genre; Byzantine novel.
- The picaresque novel: Lazarillo de Tormes.
- The novel of chivalry: Don Quijote.
- The theatre of the Renaissance and Baroque in Spain.

Teaching Methods

- Lectures
- Reading and critical review of texts
- Discussion with the students
- Assessment: continuous or by final exam
- Written tests
- Oral interviews
- Written assignments
- Evaluation of the UC: in continuous assessment, students make an oral presentation for each of the compulsory readings. The average mark of these presentations constitutes 50% of the final mark; the remaining 50% is obtained from a written attendance. There is also a Final Examination.

Teaching Staff