Portuguese Linguistics IV

Name: Portuguese Linguistics IV
Code: LLT10865L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Linguistics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To introduce and consolidate knowledge about Psycholinguistics, namely in the three main sub-domains of study: comprehension, production and acquisition. To explore theoretical knowledge in practical exercises, with main incidence in Portuguese data.
By the end of the academic year students will be expected to dominate and explain concepts related with the three main sub-domains of Psycholinguistics, applying them in the analysis of specific cases, particularly in the treatment of Portuguese data, in a critical and gradually more autonomous way, with use of different tools, including the electronic ones.


I - Introductory aspects
1 - Definition of the domain of Psycholinguistics and the three sub-domains: comprehension, production and acquisition
2 - Related domains of study - differences and similarities in the treatment of data
3 - Methodological questions associated with the experimental study of language
II - Perception and Production of Language
1 - Perception Stages
2 - The Comprehension system
3 - Production: principles and errors (pauses, hesitations, lapsus linguae).
4 - The interface comprehension/production
5 - The reading process
III - Acquisition
1 - Sub-domains of study and fundamental methods
2 - Comprehension vs. production
3 - Stages of production (from babbling to metalinguistic awareness)
4 - "Baby talk" and "motherese"
5 - Relating the processes of acquisition of L1 and L2

Teaching Methods

- Colective teaching sessions; theoretical exposition (supported by texts or other materials, including powerpoint presentations), followed by practical exploration; group works; written exercices; individual and group oral presentations. Tutorials: project orientations; correction of works and exercises.
The continuos evaluation option includes group and individual works, to do along the semester, in and autonomously, an individual writen work and a frequency test. The exam option (with three different moments: "normal", "de recurso" e "especial") includes a written test, valued in 100%.Students with marks between 8 and 9,4 (out of 20) in this test will submit to an oral test. There is also the "Mixed" option, for students who have a positive mark at the end of the semester: the final result of the continuous evaluation or of the frequency test is valued in 30% and the exame in 70%.

Teaching Staff