Portuguese Linguistics III

Name: Portuguese Linguistics III
Code: LLT10864L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Linguistics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


In the context of a 1st cycle in Languages and Literatures, this Curricular Unit aims to SDG, on the one hand, to promote "learning and teaching" and, on the other, to contribute to "research".

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Based on the competences and knowledge acquired in the first two years of the course in the CUs in the areas of General and Descriptive Linguitics, this CU aims to put the Portuguese language under perspective as a historically constructed entity, to which variation and change are inherit. The specific objectives of this CU are the following: a) To provide the contact with the object and the methods of Historical Linguistics and the History of the Language; b) To characterize change as an intrinsic property of the language; c) To build a picture of the diachrony of the Portuguese language; d) To develop competences regarding the textual memory of the Portuguese language. At the end of the semester, students be able: a) To recognize/contextualize the distinct phases of the evolution of the Portuguese language; b) To identify its main structural changes; c) To describe/explain some of those changes; d) To analyze written texts of different periods.


1. The language in time and the times of the language; 1.1. Linguistic change and diachrony; 1.1.1. Theoretical and methodological problems; 1.2. The periods in the history of the Portuguese language: main proposals for a timeframe. The periods and their examples through texts: Old Portuguese, Middle Portuguese, Classical Portuguese, and Modern Portuguese. 2. From the text to the language and the language of texts; 2.1. The ancient text: philological and linguistic issues; 2.2. Diachrony of fundamental structures and their analysis through texts of diverse periods; 2.3. Phonetic phenomena of syntagmatic and paradigmatic nature; 2.3.1. Phonetic evolution from Latin to current Portuguese: phenomenon typology. Exercises; 2.4. Main historical morphology and syntax features through texts from diverse periods; 2.5. Lexicon features; 2.6. Linguistic comments to texts. NOTE: The comments to texts will be carried out along each of the topics above.

Teaching Methods

The classroom sessions (4h) consist in the presentation of theory, practice and discussion of the topics of the syllabus, as well as exercises corrected by the students under the supervision of the teacher, or the presentation by the students of individual or group research work. The advanced study of some topics is done by means of bibliographical reviews, reading assignments, consultation of etymological dictionaries and of specialized websites. Tutorials will provide methodological and bibliographical references to help with individual essays and the execution of tasks and exercises. Promoting the students autonomy, tutorials also provide the students with personalized guidance taking into consideration their specific needs/ competences. The assessment may be continuous or final (cf. Regulamento Académico, art.102). Continuous assessment: 1.A written individual work or a practical written test (50%); 2.A written test (50%). Final exam - a written exam (100% of the final grade).

Teaching Staff