English Culture

Name: English Culture
Code: LLT10857L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Study of the main social, political and artistic developments of British society, analysing the culture and civilisation of the country and examining the intellectual and historical developments that shaped the British modern era, taking students through geographies of identity.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To produce autonomous reflection on the notions of culture and identity;
2. To examine the social, cultural and political history of the institutions;
3. To recognise the origins of current debates on the thought, science, the arts, religion, education and political system, understanding and appreciating core aspects of contemporary British culture and society and its historical contexts;
4. To examine intellectual and historical developments that shaped British identity in the modern era.
This course provides a survey of British culture and civilisation, both from a historical and present-day viewpoint. By use of a set of readings, videos and textbook, the student will be made aware of the cultural richness of modern-day Britain and acquire a global view of the national identity debate. Students will acquire the capacity to study and work autonomously, writing and thinking critically, using the adequate terminology.


11. The notion of culture
1.1. Culture and civilization debate
1.2. Culture and Identity
2. Highlights of British history
2.1. The Emergence of Britain;
2.2. The Middle Ages;
2.3. The Tudors and the building of the nation;
2.4. The English Civil War and Restoration;
2.5. The Victorian Frame of Mind: the Age of Reform and Empire;
2.6. Britain between the Wars;
2.7. Britain towards the Future.
3. British identity: the social and cultural context
3.1. Places and People: the four nations;
3.2. The Social and Political System;
3.3. Ethinicity and Multiculturalism;
3.4. Religion;
3.5. Traditions, Arts and Customs;
3.6. England in the wider world

Teaching Methods

In-class sessions, or online sessions, with the following methodologies: collective sessions of introductory explanation of contents; debate of core and of specific problems of the contents; critical readings of the selected texts; other media such as films and documentaries. Moodle platform is also used. The progressive autonomous work of the students is crucial, as well as the work developed outside the walls of the classroom and the formal teaching hours. Assessment is preferably continuous, according to the rules established by the Regulamento Académico and the Assessment Regulation of the Department. It is divided into two written tests (50%+50%), or, alternatively, into 1 individual written work on a topic of the syllabus - maximum 5 pages, (50%) and one written test (50%). Students can also choose to sit final assessment with one written exam at the end of the semester (100%).



Students are allowed to choose between a continuous assessment, mixed assessment and a final exam.


Continuous Assessment:

·        1 oral presentation throughout the term (50% of the final mark)

·        Term Assessment   (50% of the final mark)


Mixed Assessment:

·        1 written paper throughout the term (30% of the final mark)

·        Term Assessment   (70% of the final mark)


Exam: 100%



The passing mark for every form of assessment is 10 (ten).

Recommended Reading


WATERS, Sarah: The Paying Guests

BARNES, Julian: England, England



(1996) FARIA, Luísa Leal de : Sociedade e Cultura Inglesas, Universidade Aberta, Lisboa

(2005) FOX, Kate: Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour, Hodder, Great Britain

(2001) MORLEY, David; ROBINS, Kevin (Ed.): British Cultural Studies, OUP, Great Britain

(2007) O’DRISCOLL, James: Britain for Learners of English, OUP, Great Britain

(2002) OAKLAND, John: British Civilization: An Introduction Routledge, London (fifth edition)

(2002) STORRY, Mike; CHILDS, Peter: British Cultural Identities, Routledge, London and New York (second edition)

(2007) WAR, Vron: Who Cares About Britishness? A Global View Of the National Identity Debate, Arcadia Books, London


Teaching Staff