Portuguese Literature I

Name: Portuguese Literature I
Code: LLT10855L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. View of the Middle Ages in the areas historical and literary.
2. Perception of the problems inherent in the study of literature produced, transmitted and preserved in manuscripts testimony.
3. Characterization of medieval lyricism and identification of its origin, the various genres, as well as their conventional themes and poetic forms.
4. Contextualization of the work of Lopes in the development of Portuguese historiography and recognition of their conception of the historian and literary dimension of his writing.
5. Knowledge of genres and registers of discourse in the theater of Gil Vicente.
6. Consolidation of technical analysis of lyrical texts, narrative and dramatic, including a personal critical perspective on the same texts.
7. Exercise of reflection on the critical discourse produced on texts or themes of the Program.


1. Introduction to the Middle Age: references to the cultural history and generic presentation of text
production corresponding to this period.
2. The troubadour poetry. The Arte de Trovar. Cantigas de amor and cantigas de amigo. The
literary satire.
3. A Demanda do Santo Graal.
4. The Historiography. Crónicas and Livros de Linhagens. Fernão Lopes and the royal chronicles
(Crónica de D. João I).
5. Gil Vicente: Compilação de todas as obras. Visitação. The allegory in Auto da Alma. The satire
in Velho da Horta and in Romagem dos Agravados.

Teaching Methods

The curricular unit works on legal and classroom sessions. Seeking a balance between sessions gain momentum by the teacher, the exposure of theoretical contents, historical or theoretical in nature - literary, such as the importance of timeline or gender, or issues of textual criticism are indispensable when working with a corpus partly transmitted through testimonies manuscripts, with practical sessions. These can be dedicated to a commentary from some literary or critical in nature and reflecting on the themes proposed in the syllabus.
Students are assessed by performing two individual written tests, conducted in the classroom in which should demonstrate knowledge of the works in the syllabus, and recommended critical bibliography, as well as his competence in developing an autonomous text comment from instruments that were supplied to him.

Teaching Staff