Mythology Themes

Name: Mythology Themes
Code: LLT10830L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To acknowledge the Greco-roman myths and discuss them within the scope of the major explanatory theories.
2. To recognize the relation between myth and arts.
3. To recognize the myth through the evolution of literary and cultural paradigms.
4. To recognize some of the particular structures of myth


1. The myth: a discussion of the main theories.
2. The universe of mythology;
2.1. Human beings: visions about their creation and evolution
2.2. Gods: interpretations about their configuration
3. Ideological questions present on myth:
3.1. Gender
3.2. Power and family relations
3.3. Inter-relationship between myth and society.
5. Receptions of myth in European culture:
5.1. Myth as a thematic and imaginary repertoire
5.2. Appropriations by popular culture: cinema.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical exposition. Reading, analysis, discussion and synthesis. Continuous assessment: one test (50%) + one test or essay (50%); or final exam (100%)