Research Seminary

Name: Research Seminary
Code: HIS13227M
Duration: 15 weeks/312 hours
Scientific Area: Cultural Heritage

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The aim of this seminar is to lead each student to present the work plan for their master's thesis, stating and working on the "state of the art" about their object of study, the problematics, objectives, resources, methodologies and the timetable. The participation of the students in each session is aimed at this final objective, and during the sessions the students must acquire / develop the following competences:
- Ability to reflect on the main theoretical aspects that intervene in the conceptualization of the various typologies of Cultural Heritage, starting from the approaches of other scientific areas;
- Capacity for conceptual analysis and critical reflection on the problems related to the different typologies of Cultural Heritage and the historical and cultural contexts and circumstances of their production and apprehension;
- Ability to develop research in the different areas of Cultural Heritage


This seminar aims to provide 2nd cycle students with a theoretical update, accompanied by methodologies and working tools to prepare a project consistent with the preparation of the dissertation or internship report.
Fixed initial themes:
- The choice of study topics: feasibility, adequacy and relevance;
- The formulation of research: research, determination, selection, criticism, interpretation and use of sources; the complementary readings;
- Definition of methodology and data processing;
- Normative wording and presentation of the dissertation.
The training is then focused on the individual project of each master's degree, which is expected to participate actively in each session with reflections, analysis and work on theoretical contributions in their area.

Teaching Methods

Although settled upon a theoretical corpus about research development in the Social Sciences, this Seminar’s sessions will be essentially practical, allowing for the debate of diverse themes and methodologies acknowledged as relevant to the Master candidates’ projects.

Continuous assessment: Development of a written work containing the theoretical aspects and the "state of the art" related to its work theme; a schedule to the delivery of the final work and a proposal of the Dissertation Plan or Internship Report (90%), with oral presentation (10%).
Exam: Delivery of a paper with contents similar to the one described for continuous evaluation (100%).

Teaching Staff