Social History of Art and Culture

Name: Social History of Art and Culture
Code: HIS13180M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: History of the Art

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Knowledge of the major social and institutional factors behind the creation and reception of artistic works.
2. Understanding artistic creations in their respective cultural contexts and in the different European territories, from the Middle Ages until the contemporary era.
3. Historical knowledge of the principal genres and types of artistic and cultural works, so as to more clearly understand their unity and development, as well as the evolution, variety and complexity of their languages.
4. Develop a contemporary understanding of artistic forms and their social relevance.


- Introduction.
- Social functions of Art –some different perspectives.
- The need for art.
- Arts of space, arts of time.
- Art and Beauty. The question of Taste.
- Philosophical, religious, political and economic readings of artistic realities.
The issue of national cultures.
- From craftsman to artist – social role and status. Workshops, guilds, academies.
- Ways of transmission of artistic know-how. Commands and patronage.

Teaching Methods

- The seminar work will be geared towards practical aspects. The objective of this concrete visual exercise is that pupils develop their taste and sensibility in relation to the development of the artistic languages of western culture.

Continuous evaluation: assessment will be focused on the preparation of a full-term written paper, aiming to produce an extended commentary on selected subjects (100%)
Exam: Equivalent to that described for continuous evaluation - preparation of a full-term written paper, aiming to produce an extended commentary on selected subjects (100%)

Teaching Staff