Adv. Seminar Contemporary Literature II-North American

Name: Adv. Seminar Contemporary Literature II-North American
Code: LLT11306M
Duration: 15 weeks/234 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Identification of several epistemological, aesthetical and ethical questions common to cinema, visual arts and American Literature in the XX and XXI centuries. To understand many new aesthetic sensibilities and writing styles inspired by the interactions of several artistic languages.


The Gothic in Visual Arts:
Gothic in modern and contemporary arts; The Grotesque in Art and American Contemporary Fiction; Some artistic references in Gothic Fiction; Perversity and Madness in Art and Literature; The Expression of Terror: Abstract Expressionism and American Gothic Fiction.
The Gothic in Film:
The abyss attraction in Hitchcock and in American gothic fiction; Mutations and contaminations in Cronenberg and William Burroughs; Perception of reality and grotesque violence in David Lynch; Alien as archetype in Gothic American Fiction; The perverse universe of John Carpenter; The sixth sense of M. Night Shyamalan.

Teaching Methods

Multidisciplinary practices; viewing of documentaries, films and other cultural expressions that could complement the reading of literary and critical works.

Students active participation and presence in classes; research abilities; reading and viewing practices; involvement in cultural activities; the quality of written essays and oral presentations in classes.

Teaching Staff