Human Histology I

Name: Human Histology I
Code: BIO12890L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Providing knowledge of cytology and histology, leading to better understanding the structure-function 2. Develop the ability to perform information search and use the learning online platform Moodle. At the end students should be able to: perform the various routine technical preparation of biological material to study through photonic and electronic microscope; understanding how to use the photonic microscope as an instrument of observation and measurement; know the structure and function of the four basic tissues; identify and describe the structure of tissues in the photonic microscope; communicate the results through reporting; critically interacting with other colleagues; use generic software of histomorphometric analysis and image processing.


1. Introduction to the study of human histology
2. General histology: the animal cell; the four basic tissues - embryonic origin and morpho-functional characteristics and analysis of epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous tissues.

1. Methods and techniques used in histology.
2. Histological slides observation and diagnosis of epithelial, connective, blood, muscle and nervous tissues
3. Implementation of the various steps of the routine technique for light microscopy, including different staining methods
4. Realization of the immunohistochemistry techniques on material embedded in paraffin.
5. Histomorphometric analysis.

Teaching Methods

Structured lectures. Histological sections observation. Performing practical work, presentation and discussion. Analysis and discussion of research articles. Continuous assessment: two written tests and a test with observation and microscopic diagnosis of histological slides and/or photomicrographs; analysis and presentation of research papers. Final assessment: written examination and observation and diagnosis of histological sections and/or photomicrographs.

Teaching Staff