Thematic Seminar in History II - Political History

Name: Thematic Seminar in History II - Political History
Code: HIS14072M
Duration: 15 weeks/312 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The main bibliography intends to include the most striking works for the set of themes developed in this seminar.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

General Objectives:
- Increase the knowledge about the construction of the historiographical field of Political History and about the most remarkable historiographic debates;
- Promote relational analysis of different spaces and chronologies;
- Motivate interdisciplinary approaches to the study of political phenomena.
Specific objectives:
- Develop the ability to reflect on the processes of setting concepts and categories;
- Encourage knowledge and the ability to criticize different historical sources;
- Introduce students to the practice of specialized research in Political History.


Part I - Political History: Theory and Historiography

Part II - Problems and sources of Political History
- Participation, communication and political practice.
- Military power and diplomacy.
- Religion and Government of the faithful.
- Normative frameworks, speeches and political culture.
- Censorship and tolerance.
- Assimilation, integration, resistance or conflict.

Teaching Methods

The different topics indicated in Part II of the program may be adapted in their extension considering the profile of students interests and ongoing research projects.
In each topic, specific sources will be used.
Part I - a set of lectures and commentary on historiographic texts - 12 hours
Part II - seminar sessions distributed among the different themes.
These sessions will be based on the presentation and discussion of texts - 40 hours.
Oral presentation and discussion of students works- 8 hours
Participation in seminars - 10%
Work project and oral presentation - 20%
Written work: 70% (maximum 15 pages)