Thematic Seminar in History II-Social History

Name: Thematic Seminar in History II-Social History
Code: HIS13982M
Duration: 15 weeks/312 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The main bibliography points to a theoretical reflection on Social History, as well as to some specific themes.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This curricular unit has as main objective to provide students with an in-depth knowledge about the construction of the historiographic field of Social History. It intends to articulate different contexts and temporalities, and to intersect different scales of analysis, temporal and spatial, and different epistemological perspectives. It also aims to create skills to:
- Develop historical thinking through the context of social changes over time;
- Understand the configuration of categories and concepts in specific historical and geographical contexts;
- Assess the potential and limits of different historical sources;
- Prepare to build historical knowledge through research, design and execution of work projects;
- Develop writing skills and oral presentation on program topics.


Part 1: Construction of a historiographic field - Social History. From the Annales to subordinate and post-colonial studies

Part 2: Creating an object of study in Social History from the sources:
1.Building of social, occupational and professional categories: Sources: Dictionaries; Legal treaties; royal chancelleries (RC); material and immaterial heritage linked to social identification and professions; technical publications…;
2. Migration, Mobility and Social Resistance: Sources: RC; parish records; hospital records; epigraphy; anthropological studies; DNA and isotope analyzes…;
3.Construction of femininity and masculinity: Sources: Treatise literature, legislation, pedagogical books; clothing...;
4. Religious and social minorities. Sources: legislation; municipal minutes; Inquisition; chronicles, legislation; literature; court lawsuits; iconographic sources ...;
5.Families and Communities: social identities and belonging bonds. Sources: legislation; canon and civil law; literature.

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodologies are diversified seeking to promote participatory and eminently practical learning. The concepts and theoretical foundations of each theme will be exposed by the teacher using an analysis of a varied set of sources, supported by specialized bibliography. After exposure, debate among the students will be stimulate as well as their informed and critical participation. Autonomous work and individual responsibility will be valued: from them students will develop their own research in primary and secondary sources. This work will be developed under the guidance of the teacher who will support students in the organization, systematization and analysis of information and associated bibliography.
Continuous evaluation:
Participation in the seminar - 10%
Work project and oral presentation - 20%
Written work: 70% (maximum 15 pages)