Problems and Debates in History

Name: Problems and Debates in History
Code: HIS11631M
Duration: 15 weeks/312 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: B-learning

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To understand the role of History in the development of citizenship;
- To encourage postgraduate students in the practice of critical and reasoned debate;
- To identify the major topics of debate in historiography and emphasize its importance today
- To call upon History as an instrumental training area for the understanding of contemporary societies;
- To contextualize historiographical debates in order to identify specific chronological periods and recurring themes within the historiographical debates.

- To be able to understand the origins of the current dysfunctions at national and international level;
- To be able to understand and participate in historiographical debates, as well as in those that are taking place in society itself;
- To develop skills to critically analyse texts, interpret an author's viewpoint and identify existing controversies in different historiographical fields.


1 – History as power: Writing History in the West
- History, nationalism, colonialism and post-colonialism: Reconstructing History and the search for roots
- How can the “Other” rewrite History? History, ethnocentrism and multiculturalism
- The history of women and gender history
2 – Within History
- History and the historian today. Problems related to citizenship
- The archives. From old archival practices to the questioning of the past
- Does digital History exist? Challenges posed by new technologies
3 –The “eternal” debates. Examples:
- Military History: The exercise of violence, insecurity, and domination
- Religious History: The Church and the foundations of Western Culture
- The role of crises in History (3rd–2st centuries)
-The History of Ideas: Ideological debates of universal reach
-The History of Science and Technology: Epistemological ruptures and social practices
-Global and Imperial History, History of the Atlantic. The globalisation under debate
-Art and History

Teaching Methods

- Lectures will take place in a classroom environment
- Organisation of specific debates on topics of the programme (between students, and between teachers or guest speakers). Students will be encouraged to submit proposals to enliven the debate following a list of suggested topics - 30% of final grade
- Previous preparation of themes based on texts previously delivered
- Oral participation is most valued
- Writing of two essays on two of the programme's topics (1000-1200 words each) - 70% of final grade.