Contemporary Educational Thought

Name: Contemporary Educational Thought
Code: PED02493L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


In this Course Unit student's attention is called to focus intensively over the last two and a half centuries of the history of Western pedagogical thought.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The knowlegdge of the great doctrines of contemporary pedagogical and his heralds, as well as the understanding of the way how the contemporary pedagogy reflected and promoted the deep social changes in modern times.


1. Traditional Education versus Modern Education.
2. Rousseau, Pestalozzi and Froebel, at the origins of modern pedagogy.
3. The "École Nouvelle" and the New Education Movement.
4. The pedagogy of Celestin Freinet and the Modern School.
5. The libertarian pedagogy: from Iasnaia Pollyanna to Summerhill.
6. American pedagogy, from Dewey to Rogers.
7. The des-schooling society: Goodman, Illich and Reimer.
8. The Marxist pedagogy.
9. Paulo Freire and the Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
10. Techno-pedagogy: Skinner, the "pedagogy by objectives," Theory of the Curriculum.
11. Education and Pedagogy in Portugal (XVIII-XXI century).

Teaching Methods

Teaching methods:
a) Theoretical and Practical Course - In an initial moment the teacher exposes a frame and a synthesis of the main ideas and problems on the subject which is object of a particulary lesson. In a second moment, the "practical work" consists in the analysis and interpretation of texts / documents.
Methods of assessment:
a) 2 written partial Exercices or a final Exam.
b) Individual written work - focused on the analysis of an author or a current of contemporary pedagogical thinking.

Teaching Staff