Education and Political Institutions

Name: Education and Political Institutions
Code: PED02482L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, French
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To know and analyze the historical and current role and responsibilities of different international political institutions in the definition and implementation of policies and projects of Education and Training (UNESCO, European Union, World Bank, OECD, etc.).
2. To know and analyze the historical and current role and powers of different political institutions in the definition and implementation of policies and projects of Education and Training (Parliament, Government, Political Parties, National Council of Education, Local Government, Institute of Employment and Training, National Agency for Qualification, the Portuguese Youth Institute, etc.).
3. To know and analyze the role, historical and current, and skills from different institutions of national and international civil society in the definition and implementation of policies and projects of Education and Training.


1. The legal skills and diversity performances of institutional in education and training;
2. The international and national institutions with skills and formal action of Education and Training (the dimensions of the political decision, executive action and practical implementation);
3. The institutions of civil society in relevant Education and Training (the dimensions of political decision, executive action and practical implementation );
4. International policies, national and local education and training.

Teaching Methods

The methodological approach will based on the articulation, active and complementary, between the presentials moments by the provision of information to the autonomous activity (individual or group) the students, duly accompanied by the teacher. The recourses of institutional analysis will be privileged. The involvement of students in research initiatives and academic events or otherwise directly related to the field of the course. Will be promoted wherever possible, study visits to the institutions studied. Continuous assessment: written test (45%) and essay on an institution (45%) (70% - written document; 30% - oral presentation). Quality of intervention in / attendance: 10%. Exam: written test (50%) and essay on an institution (50%) (70% - written document; 30% for oral presentation). To pass, in none of the tests students can have lower grade 10 values.

Teaching Staff