ObservObservation and analysis of Contexts of Education/ Training

Name: ObservObservation and analysis of Contexts of Education/ Training
Code: PED02478L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Observation corresponds to an act of attention that consists of collecting, coding and interpreting data. It plays a structuring regulatory role in the decision-making process.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Understand the relevance of observation in the process of learning to teach, reflection, professional development and
- To know the current perspectives on "observation"
- Critically analyze "observational" practices in different education / training contexts.
- Critically analyze tools for observing education / training practices and contexts.
- Develop tools to observe education / training practices and contexts in order to collect information.
- Synthesize knowledge built on observing education / training practices and contexts.
- Present orally and in writing documents that allow the development of skills of synthesis and writing and academic
- To develop the autonomy in the accomplishment of individual work and the collaboration in the accomplishment of pairs and
group works.


1. Nature and rationale of the observation process
1.1. Observation
1.2. Contexts and instruments of observation
1.3. Advantages and disadvantages of observation.
2. Observational methodologies - principles, techniques and instruments
2.1. Situation: i) participant and non-participant observation; ii) distanced and participated observation; iii) intentional and
spontaneous observation.
2.2. Observation process
2.3. Observation field
2.4. Quantitative and qualitative approaches.
2.5. Observation project
2.6. Registration techniques
2.7. Analysis and Treatment of Observation Data
3. Observation as a support of pedagogical intervention
4. Observation in research
5. Advantages, difficulties and limitations of observation
6. Information management and the ethical dimension of observation

Teaching Methods

Reflective, dialogical, and cooperative practices are privileged, based on the confrontation between students' perceptions and representations of observation in educational/training contexts, the analysis of guiding documents for professional practice, and practical cases, framed within a vision of education as a space for consciousness formation. Digital tools are used to promote learning, communication, and flexibility. Diverse but complementary teaching and learning strategies are adopted: a) critical presentation of content and its discussion; b) team-based learning in the elaboration of tasks in the classroom, which constitute an element of continuous assessment; c) problem-based learning, with the resolution of a practical case centered on the observation and characterization of dynamics in an educational situation; d) flipped classroom, with learning from videos and software (Microsoft Excel and sociometric software).


Continuous assessment regime - in this regime, assessment is seen from a perspective of continuous process and includes the participation and quality of students' production in various classroom activities (which presupposes their punctuality and attendance). Three assessment moments are considered: M1) individual test (40%), covering all programmatic contents; M2) group work (30%), on a theme defined by the teacher, with oral presentation; M3) portfolio (30%), compiling the tasks developed in the classroom.

Final assessment regime - students who opt for this assessment regime are subject to two assessment moments: M1) individual test (60%), covering all programmatic contents; M2) scientific article (40%), prepared based on the theme defined by the teacher for continuous assessment, with oral presentation.