Practices of Academic Writing

Name: Practices of Academic Writing
Code: LLT14137L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Linguistics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This curricular unit aims to provide instruments and techniques to improve the written communication of future graduates.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To acquire tools and techniques to improve the written communication of future graduates.
- To improve strategies of textual organization, data display and construction of argumentation.
- To reflect upon the relationship between ethics and writing (academic / scientific).
Skills to be developed by students:
- To improve written production skills in research work.
- To be able to express him/herself correctly and effectively in writing and to adapt the to the communicative purposes.
- To become aware of critical analysis techniques and norms of production of academic texts (articles, reviews, projects, dissertation writing).


1. Interactions between Orality and Writing
2. The written text: linguistic qualities
2.1 Importance of rules: orthography and accentuation
2.2. Sentence structure and articulation
2.2.1. Mechanisms of connection: syntactic functioning of discourse markers; punctuation (grammatical norm and stylistic variation);
2.2.2. Nominal cohesion: anaphoric reference construction
2.2.3. Verbal cohesion: temporal organization
2.2.4. Other linguistic marks of theoretical discourse
3. Stages of text production: planning and writing
3.1. Textual contexts: themes, subthemes, topics
3.2. Text outline
3.3. Handling information: notes, citation, paraphrase, plagiarism, patchwriting
4. Identifying several kinds of written texts
4.1. Summary; commentary; report; critical text; argumentative text; creative text
5. Commentaries and suggestions on written texts
5.1 Grammatical acceptability and micro/macro organization of the text. Complying with communicative aims

Teaching Methods

- Lecturing by the teacher; debating; exercises that aim to apply theoretical matters; workshops in writing and evaluation of the written production.
- The students will be asked to correct what they write by comparing their text with more refined versions of the initial text, as well as with other methods of approaching the subjects on which they write and with the type of questions that they should be used to asking about what they write. To do so, the students should acquire the continuous ability to rethink and to rewrite the material produced, simultaneously improving knowledge and written expression.
- Evaluation:
(1) Continuous assessment mode: at least one ‘frequency test’ (quiz) (50%); other elements to be defined by the teacher (50%).
(2) Final evaluation: examination mode (‘normal’, ‘resource’ and ‘special’ times) will consist of a written test (100%).

Teaching Staff