Education Economics

Name: Education Economics
Code: ECN02480L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

One objective is to provide students with the knowledge and instruments to analyse themes in the area of the economy of education. The economic approach to education will be the basis for the analysis of themes as the role of education in the promotion of efficiency, of equity and development, the concept of human capital, the demand and supply of the education and the discussion around the production and financing (public and/or private) of the education. Furthermore, it is intended, to analyse available statistical information in order to characterize the education sector in Portugal, as well as accomplishing international comparisons, mainly with the European countries.

Competencies to develop: capacity of analysis and of synthesis; capacity of critical reflection; capacity of collection and selection of information; capacity to work in group; capacity of oral communication and writing.


1. Economics Basic concepts: What is economy (Scarcity, Choice, Opportunity Cost), Market (Demand and Supply), Market Failures, Externalities, Public goods and private goods.
2. Education demand: The decision to acquire education, Human Capital Theory, Other theories, Vocational Training and Lifelong learning, Analysis of Portugal.
3. Education supply: Education Production Function , Efficiency and Effectiveness of the educational system, The Portuguese educational system.
4. Education and Economic Development: Economic growth and Economic development, Impact of education in economic growth, Non-Market Effects of education.
5. Provision and Financing of Education: The role of the state and regulation in education, Higher education (Financing models, Recent evolution of the higher education system in Portugal)

Teaching Methods

The theoretical concepts are presented by the teacher. However, often students will participate in classes (individually or in group), preparing documents to be presented and discussed in the classes, collecting information or performing group essays. E-learning tools will be also used to better disseminate information around the students, to provide teaching materials or to generate general discussions on some topics.
Students can choose either to perform continuous evaluation or exam. Continuous evaluation comprises a group essay (50% of final mark) and two written tests (25% each).
Considering art 110, paragraph 8, of the RAUE, students with a positive final average and who have a minimum grade of 7 values in each of the assessment elements will be approved.
The exam consists of one final written test.


i) The Continuous Assessment regime presupposes the completion of two individual written tests, a reading sheet and group work. The weight in the student's final grade for the various tests will be as follows:
- Individual written tests will be weighted at 40%,
- The individual reading form will have a weight of 15%,
- Group work will have a weight of 45%.

Students who, simultaneously, have obtained:

 Weighted average equal to or greater than 10 values across all required assessment elements.
 Grade equal to or greater than 7 in each of the assessment elements carried out.
 The existence of a positive final average grade and classification, in one of the assessment tests, of less than 7 points, implies the carrying out of an oral test.

Teaching Staff