
Name: Kinanthropometry
Code: DES10655L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1 - It is intended that the students acquire knowledge about changing the human morphology over the years;
2 - Know the morphological differences between the genders, and the factors that determine them;
3 - May determine body composition of different subjects;
4 - Know characterize the different morphological types;
5 - Understand the factors that currently influence secular trends;
6 - Realize what's maturation as assessing the level of maturity of the children;
1 - Be able to to characterize growth over the life of the human being, linking the secular trends in height;
2 - Know the causes of sexual dimorphism and what are the morphological differences between the genders;
3 - Know how varies lifelong body composition;
4 - Know to evaluate the different subjects using anthropometric techniques, and with these data, determine body composition as well as the morphological type;
5 – Be able to determine the level of maturity


I - Growth and Proportionality
II - Sexual dimorphism
III - Body composition
IV - Morphology Typology
V - Secular trends
VI - Maturation
VII - Body composition densitometry
VIII - Somatotype

Teaching Methods

The classes will take place along the Impar Semester, and per week there will be a lecture and a theoretical practical. Each will last one hundred and twenty minutes, under continuous evaluation, using the room as a workplace. It is anticipated that the block of matter consists of an approximate number of 15 theoretical and 15 practical sessions. Besides the oral presentation is intended through questioning, controlling the acquisition of knowledge by students.
The assessment includes: questions during the classes, written evaluation through a test frequency or exam. The contents of practical classes will be evaluated through oral examination. All students must be at least 9.5 in each of the evaluation components, otherwise they cannot successfully complete the UC.
Student work will be guided by specific goals to be achieved in different programmatic contents.