Sports Law

Name: Sports Law
Code: ECN14620M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Legal-Political Theory and International Relations

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This curricular unit aims to provide students of this Master with knowledge about the legal tools that allow them to understand the most common and most important legal procedures for the management of sports institutions.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

It is intended that students:
- Know the main intervention areas of sports law, namely the concept of the sport of law, the
constitutionalization of the right sport.
- Know the Law on the sports system and its implications;
- Understand the procedures that are necessary to ensure the organization of sporting events, including the
licensing of sports events, facilities and security at sporting events, sports insurance, sports sponsorship and
- They can collect and interpret critically relevant scientific information on the topics addressed.
- What acquire the ability to communicate ideas and scientific knowledge, oral and written form, organized in a
coherent and logical issue about the scope of this Unit.


I - Fundamentals of Law
1. The Legal System. Distinction between law and morality. Purposes of Law. The sources of law. The legal norm.
2. Application and interpretation of law. Elements of legal interpretation. Integration of the law. Gaps and analogies. hermeneutical postulates.
3. Law and sport. The sports movement. An ad hoc private institution generated by the sports movement: the World Anti-Doping Agency. International public institutions. Diversity of sports legal norms. The erasure of the state legal order.

II - Labor and Sports Law
1. General notions of Labor Law.
2. The sports employment contract; the activity of sports technical director; the activity of a sports coach.

III. Medicine and Sports Law
1. General notions about Health Law and its connection with Sports Medicine Law.
2. Sports medicine: Basic Law of Physical Activity and Sport | Law on Health in Sport |others).

Teaching Methods

The unit is organized into theoretical classes and tutorials according to the school regulations of the University of Évora.
Theoretical classes are plenary sessions and are based on researching information, interpreting and interpreting manuals and promoting a critical and rigorous attitude in students.
Assessment: Individual written work – 100% (upon request of any of the professors, the provision of a complementary proof of knowledge certification may be required).