Space and Interpretation

Name: Space and Interpretation
Code: ARC14628M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Teatro

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: B-learning


The UC enables students to understand the scenic space in the relationship between architecture and theater through contact with key texts and in discussion and conceptual analysis.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Students should:

1- To know/understand the relationship between scenic space and interpretation

2- Demonstrate skills of:
- Understand the technological developments in and their relationship with the scenic space.
- Critical analysis and argumentation

3 -Develop conceptions and relations of scenic space and its representation synchronized with the present.


Brief history of the evolution of theater ideas, from the use of innovative spatial devices, both in terms of buildings designed for the theater, as well as architectures, scene technologies and new Media approaches that take place in the scenic space and its representation. Development of conceptual models of scenic space synchronous with the present.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodologies are based on theoretical lessons with an expositive component supported by audiovisual means, complemented with some practical exercises for each programmatic content of the curricular unit.

The assessment consists of Commitment and participation (20%); production of reflection and conceptual critique. (30%) Design and operative assembly of a scenic model (50%)

Teaching Staff