
Name: Dramaturgies
Code: ARC13923M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Teatro

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: B-learning


This course represents a structuring component in the theoretical field of the Program with a clear application to laboratory practice. Their frequency and approval are fundamental for an effective critical acquisition of the practical tools necessary to the actor/director work.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals


• theoretical acquisition of the diversity of dramaturgy concepts in a historical perception;
• critical perception of the potential of the field of dramaturgy in contemporary theatrical practice;
• broadening the understanding of the dramaturgical function in diverse artistic and socio-cultural contexts.


• personal reflective production on the field of dramaturgy studies;
• dramaturgical analysis skills applied in specific artistic contexts;
• articulation of dramaturgical knowledge with practical creative work;
• experimentation with the potential multiplicity of works and their readings.


• ability to practice the dramaturgical analysis applied to the formation of the actor-director;
• ability to develop new practices of reading and interpreting the theatrical performance;
• promote the production of the meaning of the work staged / interpreted with verbal and non-verbal materials through its application to the scene.


1. General principles

1.1. The roots of European dramaturgy: the Aristotelian tradition;
1.2. The epic in the European dramatic tradition
1.3. From the dramaturgy of the text to the dramaturgy of the scene: the invention of stag-ing;
1.4. The 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century: questions and new models for dramatic and scenic writing.

2. Topics in contemporary dramaturgy

2.1. Actor dramaturgy;
2.2. Visual and sound dramaturgy;
2.3. Dramaturgy in creative work on the scene;
2.4. Performance and performative theater;
2.5. Collaborative dramaturgy (devised theater) and the actor-director;
2.6. Documentary theater dramaturgy;
2.7. Dramaturgy and new technologies.
2.8. Spectator dramaturgy;
2.9. Dramaturgy and autobiography.

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodology:

The learning is based on individual reference readings (bibliography), discussed in collec-tive viewing sessions and commentary on video documents or live performances, and on the execution of an individual work of critical reflection on the contents of the curricular unit.


Attendance and punctuality: 25%
Active participation in sessions: 25%
Execution of an individual work of critical reflection: 50%

Teaching Staff