Mother-Tongue (Portuguese) Teaching

Name: Mother-Tongue (Portuguese) Teaching
Code: PED11448M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This course aims to provide students with a set of skills that will enable them to promote the ability to understand the importance of learning the mother tongue in childhood. The main goal of the learning of the mother tongue in pre-school education and in primary education is the structuring of thought through language and, consequently, the awareness of the basic and linguistic mechanisms, with a view to the development of the child's communicative and linguistic skills. In fact, being a kindergarten teacher and a primary teacher, taking into account the mother tongue, is not only to envision language learning as a formal system, but above all, also to take into account aspects of the social and individual dimension of language use, or that is, the pragmatic and discursive - textual dimensions of the language. The role of these teachers is, therefore, to try to ensure that children progressively use the language with more correctness, not only taking into account their structural improvement, but especially thinking about the adequacy of different verbal acts to different communication situations.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1- To analyze the official documents for learning the mother tongue.
2- To understand the development of oral language and communicative and linguistic skills in children.
3 – To know and reflect on the different teaching and learning methodologies of reading and writing.
4 – To understand the process of literary communication and the promotion of literary education in children.
5 – To relate the teaching and learning of grammar with the development of oral language and written code.
6- To understand the role of evaluation in the mother tongue learning process.
7 – To understand the role of the textbook in the process of teaching and learning the mother tongue.
8 - To develop and structure moments of practice for the development of the mother tongue through reception activities and production activities.
9- To know and analyze the research developed in the context of learning the mother tongue.


1. Official documents for learning the mother tongue.
2.The development of oral communication and communicative and linguistic skills.
3. From emerging literacy to learning written code.
4. Methodologies for teaching and learning reading and writing.
5.The promotion of literary education.
6. Grammar in the process of teaching and learning the mother tongue.
7. Evaluation in mother tongue.
8.The textbook: role in teaching and learning the mother tongue.
9. The design of practices for working with the mother tongue - planning, development and evaluation.

Teaching Methods

Teaching Methodology
Theoretical expositions of the themes by the teacher, which will integrate the interventions and individual contributions of the students.
Reading of texts guided by the teacher, followed by works and discussions on these readings.
Individual and / or group practical work, followed by debate and summary of conclusions.
Continuous assessment regime
Attendance and effective participation of students in work - weight 10%
Work 1 - With this work no. 1, it is intended that students choose, read, analyze and present orally to the class, giving rise to reflection and debate, a theme, related to the contents of uc, chosen together with the teacher - weight 45%
Work 2 - With this work no. 2, it is intended that students choose, read and analyze, in writing, a text, related to the contents of the uc, chosen together with the teacher - weight 45%
Final evaluation regime
In this regime, the student will take a written exam - 100%