Mathematic in Early Childhood

Name: Mathematic in Early Childhood
Code: PED11405M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The mathematical learning that young children should have the opportunity to do is the focus of this UC, which explores how to promote relevant mathematical learning with multiple connections, based on research in mathematics education, in a perspective of mathematics for all.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

O1. To develop self-confidence in your relationship with mathematics and the skills of problem solving, communication and mathematical representation;
O2. To create high expectations about children's mathematical learning;
O3. To know the curriculum guidelines for teaching mathematics in the early years (pre-school and 1st cycle);
O4. To know basic ideas about the learning of mathematical themes by children;
O5. To know basic ideas about the development of the transversal mathematical abilities of children;
O6. To know tasks and resources that enhance children's mathematical learning;
O7. To develop the ability to prepare mathematical tasks suitable for children, relevant in context;
O8. To develop the ability to analyze and reflect on practices of approaching Mathematics with children;
O9. To develop the competency of questioning the challenges of exploring Mathematics with children and developing an investigative attitude


1.The mathematics curriculum:
1.1.Math guidelines in pre-school education
1.2.Math guidelines in relation with the curriculum
2. Mathematical themes and emphases:
2.1.Number (sense of number)
2.2.Geometry (spatial sense)
2.3. Mesure (the process and informal units)
2.4. Statistics (counting and representation)
2.5. Algebra (regularities, patterns)
3.Mathematical capabilities:
3.1.Problem solving
3.2.Mathematical reasoning
3.3.Mathematical communication
3.4.Mathematical representations
3.5.Mathematical connections
4.The exploration of Mathematics:
4.1.Mathematics in context
4.2.Internal and external mathematical connections
4.3.Childrens' productions
4.4.Role of the educator and children
4.5. Communication and mathematical representations
5. Planning of the approach to Mathematics:
5.1.Learning trajectories
5.2.Defining sequences of tasks
5.3.Exploring tasks with children
6. Reflection on Mathematics in childhood:
6.1.Factors of success of children's learning
6.2.Regulation of practice

Teaching Methods

The methodologies appeal to the students' involvement, imply the accomplishment of diverse tasks, of varied nature, and contemplate diverse forms of work.

The assessment follows the general rules in force in the EU.
It is mandatory to attend 75% of classes.
The student worker must contact the teacher within 15 days after obtaining this condition.

The Continuous Assessment Scheme values ​​formative assessment and includes the elements:
A- Participation in activities (0.3)
B-Individual written work (0.7)

Final Evaluation Scheme is for students who opted for this modality or for those who have not obtained a rating higher than 10 in A and B in Continuous Evaluation Scheme. The exam involves a written exam and a practical exam. Final grade is the average of the classifications on both exams.

Teaching Staff