Landscape Studies

Name: Landscape Studies
Code: PAO13311I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Landscape Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

It is intended to awaken students to the concept of landscape as a dynamic system, resulting from the interrelationship of ecological, cultural, economic, social and aesthetic factors. It is also intended that, through the analysis and understanding of instruments and concepts, the student acquires sensitivity to understand the intervention in the landscape and its design.


1. The concept of landscape.
2. The object of Landscape Architecture. The concept of Landscape Architecture.
3. The aesthetic and poetic components of the landscape.
4. Concepts, values and philosophies of intervention in the landscape: territory, nature, context, site, system, dynamics, sustainability, authenticity, culture, ecology, aesthetics and ethics; genius loci, natural continuum and cultural continuum; landscape.
5. Morphological and biological systems and cultural systems. Ecological Structure and Structure of Protection and Environmental Valuation.
6. The Portuguese landscape: typologies of open space of the landscape? morphology and structure.
7. The importance of open space in the city. Urban Ecological Structure, Green Structure and Green Plans.
8. Public policies of the landscape. The multifunctionality of the landscape.
9. Landscape units.
10. Landscape planning.
11. Studies of characterization and evaluation of the landscape.
12. Conservation of nature

Teaching Methods

The expository method is adopted along with the recurrent use of images (photographs and videos) on the landscape, and the recommendation of readings, introducing the different subjects. It is assumed that the students participate actively in by asking their questions, asking for clarification or giving their opinion on the topics presented. Emphasis is given to interdisciplinarity associated with landscape intervention, confronting students with distinct points of view relative to other disciplinary domains and inviting speakers from other areas of knowledge to classrooms.
The evaluation is done through written tests / frequencies or examinations.

Teaching Staff