
Name: Seminar
Code: ARQ13305I
Duration: 30 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The Curricular Unit follows the competences acquired in the UCs of Research Methodologies I and Research Methodologies II but now in the context of the elaboration of the Master Dissertation that takes place in the 9th and 1st semesters
Students should base their core competencies: on analysis and synthesis; in critical reasoning; in investigating different types of sources.
Students should base the secondary competences: in organizing and planning the work to be done; written and graphic oral communication; in the elaboration of the work according to the Dissertation index.
Technical skills related to the use of computer systems, namely Excel, Autocad, Adobe in Design and bibliographic search and databases)
Skills in a foreign language, preferably English.


The UC of Seminary has 30 hours of laboratory practice being this time of assistance to students in the realization of practical components of their work. The theoretical component of the Seminar frames Research in Architecture from a historical, methodological and formal perspective through the analysis of several works and practical examples. Thus, the following programmatic contents will be addressed:

1. Analysis of index structure of similar Dissertations in theme to the topics under development.
2. Analysis of "states of art" in various fields in the disciplinary area of ​​architecture.
3. Research methods through deduction and induction.
4. Research methods through drawing, examples.
5. Graphical representation more appropriate to the theme of the Dissertation. Elaboration of a scrapbook and catalog on the subject under investigation.
6. Written according to the Portuguese Standard and the APA Standard.
7. Curatorship and museology of themes related to architecture.

Teaching Methods

The Teaching will be taught through the exhibition using audiovisual resources, by reading together excerpts of works from the bibliography, by the group and individual discussion of Dissertation projects, by the presentation of Dissertation work by the students.
The evaluation will be in the continuous assessment regime and will have 60% of the assessment in the 1st semester and the 2nd semester evaluation will count with 40% for the final classification.