Facilities and Equipment

Name: Facilities and Equipment
Code: ERU12390L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Rural Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Basic notions of Animal Housing

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To provide bases and skills for the knowledge and operation of livestock facilities and equipment. These skills will allow the student to fulfill, in his professional activity, tasks of:
- Advice / selection of different types of facilities and technology appropriate to the reality of each farm / company;
- Organization of space for the accommodation of animals in view of production systems and animal welfare;
- Equipment profitability with a view to reducing costs;
- Basic maintenance of facilities and equipment;
- Perception for security;
- Respect for the environment, namely with regard to effluents produced in the farm.


Planning of animal housings. Legislation, localization, orientation, dimensions, quantification. Layout. Quantification of animal housing and spatial distribution. Basis for the Environmental Control of Livestock Housing. Waste management. Monitoring and control systems.

Teaching Methods

Theory-practical classes. Theoretical approach followed by the resolution of application exercises.

Test (F) and Group Work (GW). The final classification (CF) is obtained as: CF=0,2T + 0,8GW.
If the student has a test classification below 8 values, should to make an writen examination (WE). In this case the final classification is obtained as: CF=0,2WE + 0,8GW.
The student is approved if:
CF=>10 values and,
T or WE =>8 values and,
GW=> 10 values