Assessment for Learning and Inclusion

Name: Assessment for Learning and Inclusion
Code: PED14074M
Duration: 15 weeks/234 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences, Educação Especial

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This UC assumes assessment as a fundamental toll to make decisions about educational action and it´s regulation.
Calls for mobilization and consolidation of knowledge and the development of skills for the integration of assessment in the supporting measures to learning and inclusion.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To understand the functions and principles of assessment;
- To understand the articulation between assessment, teaching and learning;
- To understand the importance of assessment criteria and indicators;
- To understand the role of feedback in teaching and learning regulation;
- To understand the different adapted assessments

- To select assessment procedures and instruments appropriate to different educational needs;
- To develop / adapt monitoring and assessment criteria and indicators for different educational needs;
- To integrate assessment in the supporting measures to learning and inclusion.
- To plan, execute and evaluate inclusive models of pedagogical intervention.


1. Assessment
1.1. Functions and principles of assessment
1.3. Articulation between assessment, teaching and learning
1.3. Principles of assessment
1.4. Assessment criteria and indicators
1.5. Feedback and teaching and learning regulation
2. Ecological assessment, adaptations and supporting measures to learning and inclusion
2.1. Importance of observation in context in the preparation of the Technical-Pedagogical Report
2.2. Organization of assessment in the inclusive education multidisciplinary team
2.3. Strategies and instruments to support the (self) regulation of teaching and learning
2.4. Monitoring and assessment indicators
2.5. The learning and development portfolio

Teaching Methods

The methodologies favour the participation of students in carrying out different tasks, through debate, criticism and reflective intervention, contributing to the consolidation and mobilization of knowledge.
Starting from the report of personal experiences, the analysis of documents and practical situations, students are asked to perform individual or group work and to participate in discussions and debates that are articulated with expository moments of systematization of the themes addressed.

Assessment is integrated into teaching and learning, playing a regulatory role. It takes place throughout the semester, continuously, by carrying out individual (IT) and group (TG) tasks of a different nature, based on the contents, and a Case Study (EC).
Final Classification = 0.4 [(TI + TG) / 2] + 0.6EC
For final assessment, students take a test (100%)