Water Biology

Name: Water Biology
Code: BIO12360L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Capacity to identify structural problems related to the degradation of continental aquatic ecosystems (assessment of ecological status);
Capacity to implement mitigation measures to comply with the Water Framework Directive (compliance with environmental objectives)

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To integrate freshwater ecosystems in the global functioning of the Biosphere;
2. Theoretical knowledge about the structure and functioning of freshwater ecosystems (lentic, lotic and groundwater);
3. Theoretical and practical knowledge of biological communities of these ecosystems;
4. Knowing the theoretical and practical application to inland waters of the Water Framework Directive

1. Knowledge about the structure and functioning of continental aquatic ecosystems.
2. Knowledge about communities and their functions.
3. Pratical identification of human pressures and these ecosystems and their consequences to inland waters;
4. Ability to integrate multidisciplinary teams to research or assess inland waters


1. The Integration of freshwater ecosystems in the context of the Biosphere
2. Lotic ccosystems
3. lentic ecosystem
4. Primary producers (algae and macrophytes)
5. Consumers (zooplankton and macroinvertebrates)
6. Consumers (ictofauna)
7. Riparian corridors and morphology of inland waters
8. Subterranean aquatic ecosystems
9. Cycles of matter and energy (decomposition of organic matter and trophic structure of
macroinvertebrate communities)
10. Drift and colonization as vectors on the formation of aquatic communities (macroinvertebrates)
11. Consequence of natural disturbances and human disturbances on inland waters
12. Water Framework Directive and ecological quality assessment of inland waters
13. Comparison, on a planetary scale, of different types of inland waterss (environmental gradients across
a global scale)

Teaching Methods

Teaching-learning includes: theoretical classes; field and laboratory practices and autonomous work. The recommended teaching resources will be available on Moodle at least 2 weeks before the classes to which they relate.
The UC evaluation includes 2 regimes: continuous and final exam, leaving the student to choose the regime that best suits him.
Attendance to practical classes is mandatory and obtained by attending 2/3 of the classes. This will focus on group work with well-defined rules previously disclosed
The continuous evaluation foresees 2 evaluations: 1 of the theoretical component (2 mid and end of semester tests) and 1 of the practical component.
The evaluation by final exam includes: 1 exam covering the entire Curriculum and 1 evaluation of the mandatory practical component
The final approval results from the average of the grade obtained in the theoretical component (60%) and in the practical component (40%). The theoretical and practical grade must be equal to or> than 9,5