Research Methods in Sociology

Name: Research Methods in Sociology
Code: SOC12047M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


From a critical approach, this UC presents, deepens and discusses knowledge, skills and competences within the methodology of sociological research.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course main objective is to present, develop and critically discuss an in-depth knowledge, advanced skills
and competencies related with the research methodology in the field of Sociology. By the end, the students
should be competent to: a) present the specificity of the sociological research methodology, its foundations,
purposes, processes and challenges; b) present and discuss the methodological decisions underlying the
various stages of conducting sociological research (e.g., exploring, questioning, observing, processing,
analyzing and disseminating results); c) identify, distinguish and evaluate the use of different techniques of
sampling, data collection, processing and analysis in sociological research; d) reflect critically, ethically and
transversely on the methodologies to be adopted in the design and conduction of independent or team work;
e) design research projects set to solve sociological problems in a sustained, rigorous and innovative way.


Preamble: The lexicon of the research methodology in social sciences
I - Exploring
1.1 Topics, themes and kick-off questions
1.2 Literature review and systematization of knowledge
1.3 Steps of the procedure and research project
II – Problematizing
2.1 Defining the object of study, research objectives and levels of analysis
2.2 Research design: quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods strategies
2.3 Construction of the model of analysis: conceptualization and operationalization
III - Observing
3.1 Sampling
3.2 Strategies for data collection
IV – Processing, analyzing and presenting data
4.1 Preliminary processing, review and synthesis of information
4.2 Data analysis techniques
4.3 Digital tools and specific software
4.4 Reliability and methodological validity
V - Dissemination of results
5.1 Scientific writing and presentation of results
5.2 The devolution of research results to the non-academic community
5.3 Ethics in research

Teaching Methods

Lectures and practical lessons, tutorial follow-up and e-learning solutions.
According to internal regulation, students may choose between a continuous assessment process or a final
Continuous assessment: poster (40%) and written essay with oral presentation and discussion in (100%).
Final examination: written examination (100%).

Teaching Staff