Epistemology and Contemporary Sociological Thinking

Name: Epistemology and Contemporary Sociological Thinking
Code: SOC12046M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course will enable the student to the field of general knowledge of the historical, theoretical and
application forms of epistemology, in order to be able to conduct a heuristic and fertile scientific research. The
Contemporary Sociological Thought will be the living subject for this application, particularly in the form of the
synthesis thinking sociological patterns prevalent today.


Part I
1 . Subject of Epistemology
2 . The paths of Epistemology
3.The problem of demarcation
Part II
1.Thomas Kuhn and paradigm shift ,
2. Popper and falsificationism ,
3.Bachelard heuristics and Science;
4.IMRE Lakatos and Scientific Research Programmes ;
5.The Concept of Strong Program ;
Part III
Berthelot and epistemological challenges of sociology;
Part IV
1. Introduction to sociological thought : plurality and synthesis paradigms ( structuralism , functionalism ,
theories of action and social interaction)
2 . Perspectives , concepts and dichotomies :
21. Individual and society, action and structure, nature, culture and social relations
2.2 theoretical paradigms , methodological strategies and levels of analysis
3 . Synthesis paradigms : praxiology and structuration theory
Part V.
1.Recent developments and new sociological problems ;
2.Models , epistemes and problems of sociology in contemporary knowledge and society

Teaching Methods

Presentation and timing of learning tasks; generic content presentation and auxiliary teaching discipline; indepth
exposition of topics more problematic; debate and questions; monitoring the integration of materials
and preparation for evaluations.
This course is especially highlighted the research mode and autonomous discovery within a space of evolving
content and development, where the student can be constitutively a part of this discovery.
Verification of attendance; Continuous oral exposure assessment-30%; Evaluation Frequencies and practical
work 3-70%;

Teaching Staff