Education and Development

Name: Education and Development
Code: PED13931M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, French, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To appropriate of conceptual schemes enabling understanding the dynamic political, economic and
social in contemporary societies.
2. Identify the ideological character and problematic of the notion of development
3. Become aware the importance of education as a condition and an engine of development.
4. To Identify the philosophical and pedagogical assumptions underlying the legislative framework
regulating education in Portugal.
5. Become aware of the instruments available of the states to determine and influence the education.
6. Establish a set of principles who should preside the choice of educational policies.


1. Conceptual Elucidation: Growth, Progress and Development
2. Education and Contemporary Society
3. Education, Human Capital and Social Capital
4. Education policies and Development
4.1. Rights and duties of the state in education.
4.2. Educational mission of the state.
4.3. Educational policy instruments
5. Education and development strategies

Teaching Methods

This is a Unit Course fundamentally theoretical. The opting for a typology theoretical-practical classes
have to see, precisely with the methodological options which will preside over concrete work in the
classroom with students. Will be used theoretical explanations, but fundamentally thematic discussions,
reading and discussion of texts proposed by the teacher or indicated by students. The theoretical-practical
classes thus allowing more versatile use and more productive time, can in the same use
methodological resources of a varied nature. The evaluation presupposes the presence of 75% of classes,
at least, and will consist in the evaluation of participation of students in (properly recorded in
appropriate instruments - 30%) and the completion and discussion for an Individual Job on one of the
possible development strategies (70%).

Teaching Staff