Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution

Name: Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution
Code: SOC13127M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Legal-Political Theory and International Relations

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course aims to address the issues of war and peace, violence and non-violence in contemporary global society. Based on the discussion of theoretical and empirical perspectives, it aims to provide a critical assessment of the main approaches of peace studies and understanding the complex dynamics of contemporary armed conflict.

Specific Objectives:

a) study the major features of the international security order that emerged after the Cold War, with particular emphasis to the end of ideological conflict, threats to international security and reform of the main security institutions;

b) To know about the theory of conflicts in general and, in particular, about the resolution of conflicts;

c) To study the issues underlying the crisis management and the search for political solutions to conflict resolution and strategies for conflict prevention.


1 - Overview of studies on Peace
The interdisciplinary nature of the issues of peace and war
Theories of peace and conflict
Causes of war
Political systems, and violent conflict

2 - The Globalization of War and their new typologies
In conflict transformation
"New profile" risk and diffuse threats
The internal and external dimension of the new wars: the macro perspective for regional and local

3 - Security and Defense in the new context of international relations
The defense and security of the general framework
The strategic positioning Portuguese
Perspectives on security and defense in Europe
U.S. global strategy, China and Russia

4 - Old threats and challenges emerging – ways of acting
Military intervention and interference
From diplomatic strategy to military strategy. Persuasion, deterrence, coercion.
Prevention and Crisis Management
Out of conflict: peace and reconciliation
Collective security and peace operations

Teaching Methods

The sessions aim to provoke discussion and reflection on a particular theme and are designed to provide Master's students to a deeper reflection on concepts, theoretical approaches and intervention models.
Participants are encouraged to conduct different learning sessions through oral presentations, brainstorming and discussion forums, supported by audio-visual media, bibliographical media, press clippings, and other electronic, static and virtual media. In some collective sessions experts are invited.

The learning evaluation will be based on two aspects: (1) Participation in the sessions (10%); (2) Knowledge and skills acquired will be evaluated through the preparation and presentation of practical applications of theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom (30%), and individual work, including public discussion with the teacher (60%).
The final exam evaluation corresponds to a written test (100%).

Teaching Staff