Vineyard and Winery Training

Name: Vineyard and Winery Training
Code: FIT14049M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Agronomy, Agricultural and Food Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Participate in the current activities of a wine company, to obtain in-depth knowledge of the main current operations, participate in these operations with critical spirit, and reporting the experience achieved.


1 - Mission and organization of the company. Understand what is the purpose that the company pursues, as it is structured, what are the services, the organizational structure, existing powers and contracted abroad, differentiation of its products, etc.
2 - The Main functional areas. Monitor the activity of the major areas of the company: vines, wine-making, treatments and packaging, quality control and management. Knowing the specifications of each activity, resources available and its timing. Participation in the implementation of the various operations. Critical analysis of the performance achieved in relation to the objectives
3 - Description of the different routine operations at the company, from the performer point of view: objectives, needed and existing resources, needs concerning technical preparation, control and reporting to the head of the sector.

Teaching Methods

The training activity will be supervised by tutorial means and the evaluation by a final report

Teaching Staff