Soils, Installation and Maintenance

Name: Soils, Installation and Maintenance
Code: FIT13921M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Agronomy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To recognize the capacity for the soil use in viticulture through: - study of soil characteristics; - the soil in viticulture, and - the concept of terroir.
To transmit the necessary knowledge for the choice, the preparation and the maintenance of the land for the cultivation of the vine, and to deepen the knowledge about soils, water in the soil, drainage and fertilization.
Installation of the vineyard: - design of the plantation; - technical itineraries and irrigation project; - land preparation, - soil work and - corrections.
Deepen the concepts of soil conservation and the techniques used in perennial crops.


1. The project of a Vineyard.
2. Conditioning factors for choosing the location of a vineyard. Orography. Climate.
3. Land Use Capacity Maps for the Vineyard.
4. Soil Properties and the Vine Performance. Physical Properties of Soil, Limitations and Root Growth. Chemical Properties of the Soil, their Limitations and the Performance of the Vine.
5. Development process for installation of a vineyard.
6. Soil and Flora Maintenance Systems.
7. Soil Conservation and Conservation Agriculture.
8. Environmental and Agronomic Practices of Fertilization in Vines.

Teaching Methods

Structured exposition of theoretical material and elaboration of practical cases, with presentation and discussion. Continuous assessment, two frequencies of equal weight (40%) and project design with research (20%). Final assessment - Written exam (80%) and Project (20%).
Annually the responsible teacher in contact with the other teachers analyse the results of the surveys and other indicators such as the school failure rate and, integrating, try to improve the evaluation process.