Prenatal Development and Health

Name: Prenatal Development and Health
Code: CMS14316L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Health Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This UC provides the student with an understanding of the main scientific principles that link maternal, placental, embryonic, fetal and neonatal physiology and puts in evidence the influence that the prenatal period has on adult health.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

After successfully completing this module, the student will be able to:
Understand the main scientific principles that link maternal, placental, embryonic, fetal and neonatal physiology.
Critically evaluate the literature on maternal-placental-fetal-neonatal physiology.
Consider the broader implications (adult health, ethics, etc.) of the fetus-placental physiology.
Understand the impact of exposure to environmental contaminants on intrauterine life in adulthood.
To use the hypothesis of origins in the development of health and disease (DOHaD) as an interpretive basis for the articulation between the development environment and the path of life in terms of health.
Acquire basic knowledge of embryogenesis and its critical stages in the formation of the 3 body axes and 3 germ layers.
Conceptualize experiments with animal models.
Develop transferable skills in critical analysis of articles and synthesis of scientific ideas through writing and discussion.


The periconceptional and embryonic period.
Maternal nutrition, fetal growth and development.
Placental mechanisms.
Control of fetal metabolism.
Fetal Development and Epigenetics.
The fetal hypothalamic–pituitary– adrenal axis.
Role of exposure to environmental chemicals.
The developmental environment and its influence in organ systems.
The developmental environment and chronic disease in the adult.
The developmental environment and its implications on ageing and life span.
Public-health perspectives in the Developmental origins of health and disease.
The basis for the developmental origins of health and disease concept (DOHaD).

Teaching Methods

Sessões teóricas e práticas:
- Exposição oral e exploração de documentos; apresentação de técnicas e instrumentos, demonstração de procedimentos;
(avaliação por meio de testículos escritos = 70% da nota final).
Realização de tarefas propostas pelo docente individual e / ou em pequenos grupos
(avaliação observacional directa = 5% da nota final).
Trabalho autónomo (para consolidação e aprofundamento):
- Preparação e / ou continuação do trabalho das disciplinas presenciais (avaliação de monografia elaborada pelo aluno = 25% da nota final).

Teaching Staff