Morphology and Function III

Name: Morphology and Function III
Code: CMS14315L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biomedical Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Urinary and Reproductive Systems: Integrative study of the structure and function of the Urinary and Reproductive systems, male and female: anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry and biophysics; pathologies and aetiology and pharmacological aspects

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Acquire knowledge and skills on the structure and function of 1) Urinary System/Renal System, 2) Male and Female Reproductive Systems, and 3) Prenatal Development, Growth and Aging, at the level of organs and systems in an integrated perspective anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry and biophysics and the main changes related to the various pathologies including genetic, congenital and environmental diseases) and pharmacological aspects
Knowing methods of treatment of renal failure and assisted reproduction techniques.
Become familiar with medical practice and specific terminology, discuss clinical cases, and participate in clinical seminars
Develop skills in oral and written communication, group work and critical analysis.
Educating for health, providing students with knowledge, attitudes and values ​​to help them make decisions that involve the promotion and improvement of health.


1.1 Anatomy, histology and physiology
1.2 Structure and function of urinary system components
1.3 Glomerular filtration and epithelial transport.
1.4 Mechanisms of control of renal function
1.5 Kidney diseases. Arterial hypertension.
1.6 Kidney and Pregnancy - Hypertension in Pregnancy
1.7 Chronic Kidney Disease. Renal Function Replacement Techniques.
2.1 Anatomy, histology and physiology
2.2 Pathology of reproductive systems
2.3 Effects of aging on reproductive systems
2.4 Infertility in men and women. Assisted reproduction techniques
2.5 Contraception in women
3.1 Notions of human embryology
3.2 Prenatal development and fetal growth
3.3 Notions of Pediatrics
3.4 Growth Pathophysiology
3.5 Pathophysiology of Aging and Active and Healthy Aging
3.6 Health education through health promotion in different periods of life.

Teaching Methods

Classes T, TP, S, OT:
T, TP and S given by expository method with slide and/or film projection
T for teaching syllabus
TP for description of medical practice in which students participate in the discussion or presentation of topics
S integrators and illustrative of the matter by guest lecturers
TO for clarification of doubts and support for carrying out the work
TP and S are mandatory (75% attendance)
The evaluation is done by a final exam (theoretical and written) that covers all the contents of the UC with a single test (80%) + Work presentation (20%)