Contemporary Linguistic Trends

Name: Contemporary Linguistic Trends
Code: LLT14367M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Linguistics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

By strengthening the knowledge of contemporary linguistic theories (XX-XXI centuries), students are expected to develop the following competences:
1) To characterize different theoretical principles, thus promoting a critical distancing in the task of considering verbal language, common to all courses, and the various analytical perspectives on it, over time.
2) To explicitly associate such theoretical principles with different analytical practices, namely those already explored by the students during the first cycle of studies, departing from their previous knowledge to their future task of outlining and writing a thesis.
3) To prepare for other courses, approaching the theories that will be referred to most frequently.


1. The Foundation of contemporary linguistic theories, at the beginning of the XX century. The major work of F. de Saussure.
2. The impact of Structuralism in Linguistics – Functionalism. The research programs of The Linguistic Circle of Prague, the Geneva School, and the north American authors.
3. The emergence of a new investigation paradigm: Generative Grammar. From the founding principles to the Minimalist Program.
4. Text Grammar and Pragmatics – differentiated views on verbal language.
5. Contributions from other theoretical fields to linguistic studies: cognitivist, humanist, and sociocultural perspectives.
6. Theoretical approaches predominant in the first period of the XXI century – synthesis of vast and various contributions. Renewed goals and redefined challenges.

Teaching Methods

Collective teaching sessions: theoretical exposition (supported by texts or other materials, including powerpoint presentations), followed by practical exploration; group works; written exercises; individual and group oral presentations.
Tutorials: project orientations; correction of works and exercises.
Collective teaching sessions: theoretical exposition (supported by texts or other materials, including powerpoint presentations), followed by practical exploration; group works; written exercises; individual and group oral presentations.
Tutorials: project orientations; correction of works and exercises.
There are two modes of Assessment: the continuous evaluation mode includes an individual written essay (40%) and a written test (60%); exam. Students with marks between 8 and 9,4 (out of 20) in the exam will sit an oral exam.

Teaching Staff